
Family Shofar Factory Experience

  • We are so excited to once again bring to you the Shofar factory Experience!

    In preparation for Rosh Hashanah, children (with some help from the grown ups!) will craft their very own ram's horn instrument, known as the "Shofar" in Hebrew, at Chabad Lincoln Parks "Shofar Factory".

    Children will help to cure, measure, saw, drill, and polish a real ram's horn to transform it into a working Shofar instrument.

    Sunday, September 29th | 11am

    Chabad Lincoln Park: 1962 N Bissel Street 60614

    Cover: $25 Per participant (includes a handmade shofar to take home) | $180 Sponsor

    Light snacks will be served 

    Advance RSVP required

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